//graizoah.com/afu.php?zoneid=3441954 The importance of sport and its impact on our lives

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The importance of sport and its impact on our lives

Sport has a positive and good effect on the health of the human body, regardless of the age of the person who is engaged in exercise, sex, or a person's physical ability. These are some of the health benefits that accrue to the human body through exercise:

The ability to control weight
Regular sport contributes greatly to maintaining weight and losing weight and preventing weight gain, because the physical activity that a person performs during exercise helps greatly to burn calories, as all that increases physical activity strength increases the amount of burning fat and calories in the human body .

Sports help increase the muscles' strength and endurance, because they contribute to the supply of oxygen and nutrients in abundant amounts to various tissues of the body, and help blood vessels and the heart to work well and highly efficiently, which leads to improving the health of the lungs and the heart in people, which leads to give them more Energy for their daily


