تكبير القدمين وعضلات الساق
الساق أثناء التنقل بين أماكن مختلفة في يومك المعتاد ، حيث أنها معتادة على ممارسة الرياضة طوال الوقت ، لذلك يجب عليك القيام بتمارين عالية الكثافة تركز على الساقين لتحفيز نمو العضلات فيها.
قم بأداء 3 مجموعات من 8-12 عدة مرات في كل تمرين. استخدم أثقل وزن ممكن مع الحفاظ على الوضع الصحيح حتى تشعر بحرقان في ساقيك.
أضف مزيدًا من الوزن بعد بضعة أسابيع من التمرين لزيادة الشدة.
لا تبالغ في ذلك وتعرف على الفرق بين الألم والإصابة.
تدرب مع مدرب إذا لم تقم برفع الأوزان أو استخدمت معدات الجمنازيوم من قبل.
عضلات مختلفة مرنة في أيام مختلفة

If you exercise all your leg muscles every day, you will not give them the opportunity to recover and grow, as injuries may result. Focus on one muscle one day, then switch to another the next day. The rest period plays an important role in enlarging the leg muscles.
Squat exercise with iron lift
It is a very important exercise where you can do to get strong thighs as most of the muscle fibers in this area are involved
1 Stand straight while carrying weights
2 Then, bend your knees down so that your thighs are parallel to the floor
3 Hold this position for 10 seconds
4 Then stand up again Repeat this exercise 10-12 times divided into 3 groups.
Leg curles
This exercise is specific to the back muscles of the legs, lie on your stomach and place the machine on the heels, then bend the legs in an attempt to pull the feet towards the buttocks, then return to the first position slowly, repeat this exercise 10-12 times over 3 groups, then repeat Exercise on the second leg
Eating large quantities of protein:
Protein is an essential component in building muscle, so you make sure that you get a large amount of protein from every meal, such as meat, chicken, and fish. Eggs, beans, and legumes are also good alternatives to obtain protein if you do not like meat.
Time to rest:
You must keep taking a break between exercises in order not to get tired and you can go swimming or play a sports game such as football or basketball, and also make sure to get enough sleep.
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